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Photographing families, children, seniors, and brides for over twenty years...experience does make a difference...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Great Bunny Days!

Well, its over....... but it's been a very busy few days with a baby bunny and babies, and toddlers, and children, and tweens.......Whew!! This is one exhausted photographer :0 . We've had great experiences and thankfully, no misshaps - the bunny didn't escape overnite ( like he did a few years ago) and no one tried to pick him up by his ears this year! The children, as always, loved, loved, loved that wabbit. And now I'll return him back to his "mommy" where he'll live a very long life with vague memories of those few days when he was a famous "photo wabbit" I, for one, need a vacation........

Thanks to all who joined us for the fun - see ya next year!
A photographic memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, and the things you never want to lose.

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