Can't believe I've let a month pass since my last post :( Bear with me, though, I
am getting better.
The State Convention for Professional Photographers was, as always, amazing! Great info, tips, and new product offerings. It always rejuvenates me to be more creative and productive and that's a good thing because, since then, things have been soooooo busy around here - and that's an even better thing! Maybe this economy is slowly beginning to turn around after all.

What a variety of photographic events we've had....Cotillion Balls, children, adults, restorations, and a 100 year celebration in our church - they are all milestones in this life we live. What better way to capture these memorable events in our lives than with a photographic portrait? The baby's 1st birthday, the high school senior, the bride, or that 50th birthday. It's these photographic images that will one day be the windows to the past for this next generation. Many times we don't realize the importance of these current day images until we happen upon those old, faded and wrinkled photographs from many years ago. They take us back in time and, once again, we "remember when....."

Several clients have brought in old photographs to be repaired and restored for upcoming Mother's Day and Father's Day gift ideas. It's at this stage that they realize how fortunate they are that an ancester made the effort to have the portrait created many years ago in the first place.

By the way, that's me (above in image at top left) with my Mom, Papa, and Great Grandmother - four generations!
Around here, in the Sorrell household, we have exciting things happening. My youngest daughter graduates from college in May and my oldest daughter finishes her second year of law school. Yeah!!!! Their Dad and I are very proud parents!
As for me, I'm trying to play golf as often as my schedule will allow ;)
Until next time, seize the day and make it a memory!