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Photographing families, children, seniors, and brides for over twenty years...experience does make a difference...

Friday, February 26, 2010

State Convention

Well, I'm off to the Professional Photographers of North Carolina annual state convention!  It's a week long event with seminars on the latest and greatest things going on in the photography industry. In addition to all of the seminar info, I'll also get a chance to chat and catch up with many fellow photographer friends. Long days - (8am- 10pm)  mean that  I'll be worn out from mental overload when I return home - but it's so worth it!

So tune in next week when I'll have lots of  new ideas to share with you!

Until then, I'm off to see the wizards.......all of them!
A photographic memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, and the things you never want to lose.

See what we've been capturing lately...visit our website at